Shotgun Fields

----------  Skeet and Trap Shotgun Fields Operations  ----------

The RCWA shotgun fields are open to RCWA Certified Members and their guests. 


RCWA members become Certified Members upon completion of the Shotgun Fields Orientation Class.   All participants in the Shotgun Fields Orientation Class should have a basic understanding of the rules, regulations and field etiquette for participating in skeet and trap activities.   

If you do not have prior skeet and trap experience, take the orientation class and let the instructor know you have no prior skeet or trap experience.    They will provide/recommend someone to walk you through a couple of rounds at their availability (you will need a couple of boxes of shells) to assist in getting you established in proper RCWA shotgun field etiquette and safety expectations.  


The Shotgun Field Orientation Class for RCWA members to become Certified Members are scheduled at 2:00 pm on the following 2024 dates:    January 21st,  February 18th,  March 17th,  April 21st,  May 19th,    July 21st,  August 18th,  September 15th,  October 20th, November 17th and December 15th.

   Orientation Classes may be scheduled at other times by the SRO staff if circumstances warrant.

Shotgun Field Orientation Classes are held in the RCWA clubhouse. 

No class pre-registration/signup currently required.   Show up !


The following is a link to the RCWA Shotgun Fields Orientation Class Manual in case you wish to preview or review it.

RCWA Shotgun Fields Orientation Manual


Please contact one of the RCWA Shotgun Range Officers (SRO) members at  [email protected]  to answer any questions you may have about the operation of the RCWA shotgun fields.

----------  5 Stand Shotgun Fields   ----------

The 5 Stand shotgun field is open to Certified Members following an applicable SRO orientation. 

Brandon Holt currently maintains the 5 Stand Field and is happy to give you an introduction in using the 5 Stand field if he is at the range.



----------   Shotgun Fields Operational Schedule   ----------

RCWA Certified Members may use all of the RCWA shotgun fields in accordance with all other RCWA range shooting operations.


----------  2024 RCWA Shotgun Field Events/Matches  ----------


Shotgun Range Maintenance Work Notification: 

Starting 15 April, 2024, a large tree will be removed from the skeet field at shotgun range 6.  This will be followed by the removal of the old defunct trap house and the end skeet house which had major electrical damage from lightning hit on the tree that was removed.  This will be followed by landscaping and leveling the end of the skeet field.   This will be followed by constructing a new end skeet house that is now level in elevation with the rest of the field and make this end of the skeet field operate in a consistent manner with the rest of the skeet field operation

This work will progress over a number of months. This is right at the end of the entrance road pavement on your right as you enter the parking areas for facilities in the clubhouse area. Please pay attention while this work is taking place over the next several months.




24th NCSSA Mid Winter Shoot and Meeting

24 February 2024




Justin Monroe


Victor Isler

Memorial Skeet Shoot

9 March 2024

aka Fireman's Shoot





SCTP Skeet Shoot

4 May 2024

Details:  Contact Joel Dinkins






NC Jr State Shoot

8 - 10 June 2024





Joe Earley Memorial Shoot

23 - 25 August 2024








---------- RCWA Shotgun Fields Operation Process ----------

RCWA "contracts" out the operation of the RCWA shotgun fields (skeet, trap and 5 stand ) to other parties on a calendar year basis.  The current RCWA shotgun fields operation is contracted out to a group of RCWA members as noted above.  Bids/proposals for operating the RCWA shotgun fields are accepted each fall.  Interested parties should have bids for operating the RCWA shotgun fields for the next calendar year in the hands of the RCWA Board by Nov. 1 for consideration.